The Globetrotter Gerla

Gerla de Boer Cape Winelands

Oh No! Not Another food and travel blog! The world has been taken over by social media and blogs about any subject are popping up. It looks like an overdose. As a foodie traveller, I always check out travel blogs before I pack my bags. I like to do unusual things, and food is always high on the agenda. I noticed that I couldn’t find any blogs, which suited my palette. Have you ever tried to find a good blog about Norfolk? It’s a hard find!

Gerla de Boer Globetrotter foodie blog
My way of travel – tasting green harissa

New York, Cape Town, Delhi and Hong Kong – enough choice or keep it to the food theme, flavours. My food and travel blog, the globetrotter foodie has been in the pipeline for many years, but due to the pressures of life I never pulled it off. After my visit to Marrakech, I knew it was time to share my love of food and travel, but as time went on, it didn’t happen.

My break to Norfolk gave me the final push. It was time to show the world there is more than just the famous destinations. I hail from the North of the Netherlands, Friesland, which is never covered in any blogs. It is a beautiful part of the world and the birthplace of Mata Hari, a famous female and most intriguing spy and of William of Orange.

I hope these are enough excuses for launching another travel blog?

Happy reading!


p.s the image on the top of this page is one of my favourite views in the Cape Winelands, the Helshoogte Pass viewed from Delaire Graf.

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